I have to say, I have the greatest yet weirdest child on the planet! Most people dread having to do the laundry. However, Connor, my darling 5 year old, LOVES LOVES LOVES doing the "washing and drying". And when I say he loves to do it, he really actually does the laundry. He gathers all the dirty clothes, (sometimes clean ones too just so he can have a full load), sorts them, put's them in the washing machine, puts the soap in and turns it on. If that's not strange enough for you, he then pulls up his chair and watches the clothes go round and round! My washer and dryer quit working so I had to get a new set. So I ended up with front loaders which are great unless you have a child like mine. He literally sits there with his snack, or lunch and watches it. He will occassionally leave to use the restroom, but only if it's an absolute emergency! He yells, "mom, 37 more minutes until the washing is done!" He counts down and then when it finishes, he moves it to the dryer, put's in the dryer sheets and turns it on.
This is actually probably borderline obsessive now. We were at Target 3 days ago and he had put a load of clothes in the washing machine before we left. So we get to Target and about 10 minutes into shopping, he looks at me and says, "mom, I think the dryer is almost done, it's time to go home." Now, what child gives up a trip to Target to go home and finish the laundry??? Ans yes, I'm sure there is some child labor law against this, but they have to find me first!!! :)