Well, my son is officially 5! You know how people always tell you, "wait until the terrible 2's"? I say HA! to those people. He is soooo opinionated, independent, needy, talkative, pretty sure he knows everything little boy! It's wonderful to see him go through these stages of life, but I have to admit, it's making me a little crazy. Take today for instance. We are at Sams looking at all the new holiday stuff, when all the sudden he looks up at me and says (in a very LOUD voice), "Mom, show me the money"! I thought I was going to have an accident in the store. The lady next to me was laughing so hard she could hardly talk. I know what you are thinking, and no, he has never seen Jerry Maguire. I think this is one of those wonderful things he picked up from school. It's moments like this when I know that everything will be ok and that 19 months really isn't that long!
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