Well, it's that time of year when we get pulled a million different directions. We started our Christmas celebrations off by driving to Ft Worth and spending a few days with my parents. I did a little shopping without having to pay for a babysitter (which is always nice)! We also made cookies and went to the Omni and saw The Polar Express. Connor LOVED it! On the 23rd, we went to my in-laws house. We had a great meal followed by the opening of the presents! Connor got a remote controlled car, a warm up suit and a big cannon that actually shoots out nerf balls.
We had a great time and will see them again soon!
On the 24th, we went to my aunt Cindia's house and got together with my cousins and grandparents. I got a surprise phone call from Iraq and unfortunatly missed it when everyone opened their presents. However, I was there to see Connor open a present from my mom's Aunt Louise. She knitted Connor a hat and it is so cute! Ray was doing well and wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. So we had another great meal followed by some great conversation. Connor and I left that afternoon to head back to Austin. We wanted to be home so Santa would come see us! We also had a great Christmas Day meal with my friend Joy and her kids Blake and Sabrina. The kids had a great time playing with all of their new toys and eating cookies. We came home that afternoon and crashed!
We spent my 30th birthday hanging around the house sick. I have a horrible cold and Connor has a horrible cough. So, we are off to the the Dr tomorrow with the hopes of a stronger cough syrup. All in all, it was a great holiday and we look forward to Ray being here with us next year.
Ray is doing well. They had a ceremony on Christmas Day to receive their combat patch. They get it after being there for 30 days. Other than that, he is just working and looking forward to coming home on R&R in the next few months. He plans on doing alot of nothing!
Happy New Year!!!
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