I just got off the phone with Ray and we had a great 2 hr conversation. He is really busy right now. He is taking 2 classes at the moment and working. His classes end March 13 so he has A LOT to do by then. He is getting very excited about coming home. I can't give you the exact date, but I can tell you he should be home by the end of March. A lot of things have to fall in place for that to happen, so we will see! He sent me a couple pictures yesterday so I thought I would share them with you. He also informed me there were 305 that he has, but obviously could not send me. So when he gets home, I will load all of them to a photo site and send the link to whoever wants it.
Today is kind of a blah day. It's cold and windy so Connor and I are going to make some cookies and watch some movies in hopes for a warmer day tomorrow!
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