Wednesday April 1st was our 6 year anniversary and we marked the day by having family pictures taken by a wonderful lady named Amy Brown. She took all of the pictures in her backyard and we were in and out in 30 minutes! We are so thrilled with the results and I am happy to share them with you. She gave us the CD, so if anyone wants any of the pictures, just let me know. We took our dog Heidi because we wanted some pictures of Connor with her and they are by far my absolute favorite. Connor and Heidi have this special bond and I think it shows in the pictures. Enjoy!
I am Lara, a thirtysomething who is just now starting to figure life out. I am a very proud Army wife to Ray and a very proud mommy of Connor (7). Between hubby's job and his National Guard commitment, and Connor's school, speech therapy and horseback riding for OT, I'm finally finding time for me. I LOVE my family, sonic ice, Target, Hobby Lobby, Christmas, cold weather, cupcakes, mexican food, MOPS, flip flops, crafting, cooking, baking, spending time with my friends, photography and the occasional date with some guy I call my husband.
Ray works for the Adjutant General's office at Camp Mabry doing IT stuff by day, and helping me keep the peace around here at night! He's the one that makes everything ok. He works hard for his family and it really doesn't get any better than this!
Connor was born on September 11, 2003. After he was born, we were informed that he failed his newborn hearing screening. As it turns out, Connor was born deaf but perfectly healthy. We were informed after meeting with a few specialists, that Connor was a canidate for Cochlear implants. We were beyond thrilled! Our little boy would hear! He had his first implant surgery 1 week after his 1st birthday and his second surgery in May 2006. He is still about a year and a half behind in his speech and language, but he is really making progress everyday. He's been through more in his life than anyone I know. He has also been diagnosed with kidney reflux that we discovered while on vacation in California in 2007. He had surgery to correct is in 2009 and it worked! He is currently in 1st grade and rockin' it if I might add. He goes to speech therapy twice a week and horse therapy once a week. He rides a horse named Chaney in hopes of gaining more confidence and he's making huge progress! He loves math, writing, word searches, legos, running around, climbing trees and eating. He is really an amazing kid and we are SO blessed he's ours!
Heidi is a little over 4 years old and she is really a great dog. She is Connor's best friend in the entire world and she just loves him with all that she has. She loves chase Connor, jump up and pop bubbles, watch squirrles and most of all, she loves sleeping with little boy at night. She is the best dog!
Oh Ace. He is such a sweet dog. A little crazy, but super sweet. He is a little over one year old and is still into jumping on people and chewing everything in sight and manages to do it in seconds. He will be a much better dog once we get into a new house with some land. He really needs to just run. He and Heidi do great together!
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