My boys are all smiles anytime there is pizza involved!

Blowing bubbles
Daddy on his first day home!
Connor and daddy with Connor's awesome sign
Connor was so proud of his Welcome Home sign!
Snuggling with daddy

Hanging out with daddy at the Hoppin Hippo
Counting all the tickets..we had over 500!!!
Daddy taking over the game
Connor is trying to stay interested.

Connor and Ray really had a great time together while Ray was home on R&R. We did so many fun things. We went to Chuck E Cheese, blew bubbles outside, jumped at the Hoppin Hippo, snuggled, etc. I think this was the first time that Connor really understood that daddy had been gone for a long time. We really crammed alot into such a short amount of time. We can't wait until daddy comes home for good!
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