Monday, January 4, 2010

And we're back!

Wow, it's been awhile since I've blogged. I feel really bad, but life got in the way. We have had many changes in our lives. First, Ray's son RJ came to live with us and Connor is enjoying having someone else around to play with other than me. Ray came home from Iraq and we couldn't be more happy. It was a very long 16 months and I'm so glad he's home now. Connor started Kindergarten and he's doing so well. We are having such a fun time watching him learn. He loves his little private school and so do we!

We had a pretty busy Christmas and then we packed up the car and went to Pagosa Springs, Colorado with my in laws and my sister in law and her boyfriend. Ray went skiing for the first time and the kids went sledding. Ray and I went snowmobiling which was a blast!

We are now back in the swing of things and I promise to keep this thing updated!
I will post pictures of Christmas and our trip soon!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Yeah! Glad to see you are back on here... Hope Christmas was great for all of you! I love the ski pics on FB. We are thinking of a snow trip too soon! Where did you all stay and was it good?